Thursday, July 30, 2009

Candies/Kohl's New Releases

Hey guys! Sorry for the extreme lack of post-age.... I'm in the middle of play rehearsals and we perform this weekend so I've had literally no time to devote to ANYTHING online!

Anyway, lots has happened since our last post -- enough that I can't cover it all here. But something big happened this morning! Stardoll released the next Kohl's, Candies, and Abbey Dawn lines! They even went further and released a Mudd line too! How awesome is that?!

The clothes are all non-superstar, which sure made me start to cheer. I personally have more nonSS friends than SS friends, and I think it's beyond time that the nonSS users got some super cute clothes!

I ended up buying about 57 stardollars worth of clothes from the total Kohl's line :) It was all just to cute to resist. Funny thing though, in the Mudd section there's this sweet little pink shirt with peace signs all over it... I bought the same thing in blue (in real life) two days ago. It must be like the sixth sense of mine ;)

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